Drug / Toxicologic Screening

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Toxic Screening

We are a accredited forensic laboratory. For this analysis particularly complex and sensitive detection methods are required .

For substitution clinics , hospitals and companies that need to rule out drug use , we offer a low-cost drug analysis with screening tests. Because of the longer detection time of a drug, urine is recommended as the preferred sample material.

In this context, we can ensure that the sample is from the patient, by detection of a marker in the urine ( Ruma-System© ) . This method also allows more confounding factors that could lead to an impairment of analysis to prove. A visual check of the patient providing the sample is not needed.

If you want to learn more about our drug analysis and the Ruma-Marker© system please call us at :

Dr. Carsten Bartling : +49-221-940-564-18
Dr. Jacqueline Schmitte : +49-221-940-564-37
E-Mail Kontakt : info@lab-quade.de